Since symfony/messenger 6.2: Implementing "Symfony\Component\Messenger\Handler\MessageSubscriberInterface" is deprecated, use the "Symfony\Component\Messenger\Attribute\AsMessageHandler" attribute instead.
Since symfony/dependency-injection 6.3: Relying on the "@required" annotation on method "Swag\PayPal\SwagPayPal::setActivateDeactivate()" is deprecated, use the "Symfony\Contracts\Service\Attribute\Required" attribute instead.
Since symfony/console 6.1: Relying on the static property "$defaultName" for setting a command name is deprecated. Add the "Symfony\Component\Console\Attribute\AsCommand" attribute to the "Swag\PayPal\Webhook\Command\CrawlWebhookEventNamesCommand" class instead.
Since symfony/console 6.1: Relying on the static property "$defaultDescription" for setting a command description is deprecated. Add the "Symfony\Component\Console\Attribute\AsCommand" attribute to the "Swag\PayPal\Webhook\Command\CrawlWebhookEventNamesCommand" class instead.
Since symfony/console 6.1: Relying on the static property "$defaultName" for setting a command name is deprecated. Add the "Symfony\Component\Console\Attribute\AsCommand" attribute to the "Swag\PayPal\Pos\Command\PosSyncCommand" class instead.
Since symfony/console 6.1: Relying on the static property "$defaultDescription" for setting a command description is deprecated. Add the "Symfony\Component\Console\Attribute\AsCommand" attribute to the "Swag\PayPal\Pos\Command\PosSyncCommand" class instead.
Since symfony/console 6.1: Relying on the static property "$defaultName" for setting a command name is deprecated. Add the "Symfony\Component\Console\Attribute\AsCommand" attribute to the "Swag\PayPal\Pos\Command\PosImageSyncCommand" class instead.
Since symfony/console 6.1: Relying on the static property "$defaultDescription" for setting a command description is deprecated. Add the "Symfony\Component\Console\Attribute\AsCommand" attribute to the "Swag\PayPal\Pos\Command\PosImageSyncCommand" class instead.
Since symfony/console 6.1: Relying on the static property "$defaultName" for setting a command name is deprecated. Add the "Symfony\Component\Console\Attribute\AsCommand" attribute to the "Swag\PayPal\Pos\Command\PosInventorySyncCommand" class instead.
Since symfony/console 6.1: Relying on the static property "$defaultDescription" for setting a command description is deprecated. Add the "Symfony\Component\Console\Attribute\AsCommand" attribute to the "Swag\PayPal\Pos\Command\PosInventorySyncCommand" class instead.
Since symfony/console 6.1: Relying on the static property "$defaultName" for setting a command name is deprecated. Add the "Symfony\Component\Console\Attribute\AsCommand" attribute to the "Swag\PayPal\Pos\Command\PosProductSyncCommand" class instead.
Since symfony/console 6.1: Relying on the static property "$defaultDescription" for setting a command description is deprecated. Add the "Symfony\Component\Console\Attribute\AsCommand" attribute to the "Swag\PayPal\Pos\Command\PosProductSyncCommand" class instead.
Since symfony/console 6.1: Relying on the static property "$defaultName" for setting a command name is deprecated. Add the "Symfony\Component\Console\Attribute\AsCommand" attribute to the "Swag\PayPal\Pos\Command\PosLogCleanupCommand" class instead.
Since symfony/console 6.1: Relying on the static property "$defaultDescription" for setting a command description is deprecated. Add the "Symfony\Component\Console\Attribute\AsCommand" attribute to the "Swag\PayPal\Pos\Command\PosLogCleanupCommand" class instead.
Since symfony/console 6.1: Relying on the static property "$defaultName" for setting a command name is deprecated. Add the "Symfony\Component\Console\Attribute\AsCommand" attribute to the "CioDeytradeImport\Commands\ImportCommand" class instead.
Since symfony/console 6.1: Relying on the static property "$defaultName" for setting a command name is deprecated. Add the "Symfony\Component\Console\Attribute\AsCommand" attribute to the "CioProductFeed\Command\GenerateCommand" class instead.
Since symfony/console 6.1: Relying on the static property "$defaultName" for setting a command name is deprecated. Add the "Symfony\Component\Console\Attribute\AsCommand" attribute to the "CioRedirectImport\Commands\RedirectImportCommand" class instead.
Since symfony/console 6.1: Relying on the static property "$defaultName" for setting a command name is deprecated. Add the "Symfony\Component\Console\Attribute\AsCommand" attribute to the "CioRedirectImport\Commands\RedirectCategoryImportCommand" class instead.
Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException: "No route found for "GET"" at /var/www/html/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/EventListener/RouterListener.php line 127